Stories. Family and children’s photographer in Israel and Moscow Doroshok Nadya

Фотосессия Ксении

Stories. Family and children’s photographer in Israel and Moscow Doroshok Nadya

Гранатовый Сад Семья Ирины

Stories. Family and children’s photographer in Israel and Moscow Doroshok Nadya

Гранатовый сад

Stories. Family and children’s photographer in Israel and Moscow Doroshok Nadya


Stories. Family and children’s photographer in Israel and Moscow Doroshok Nadya

Фотосессия Алины и Максима

Stories. Family and children’s photographer in Israel and Moscow Doroshok Nadya

Фотосессия Алины и Николая

Stories. Family and children’s photographer in Israel and Moscow Doroshok Nadya

Happy family

Stories. Family and children’s photographer in Israel and Moscow Doroshok Nadya

Бат Мицва Тамар

Stories. Family and children’s photographer in Israel and Moscow Doroshok Nadya

Семейная фотосессия Анжелики

Желаю счастья этой замечательной семье! Мне было с ними легко и интересно :)
Stories. Family and children’s photographer in Israel and Moscow Doroshok Nadya

Фотосессия Анастасии и ее семьи

Желаю семье Анастасии огромного счастья и много радости :)
Stories. Family and children’s photographer in Israel and Moscow Doroshok Nadya

Фотосессия Алены

Желаю Алене и ее маме успехов на новом месте и всего самого наилучшего :)
Stories. Family and children’s photographer in Israel and Moscow Doroshok Nadya

Бат Мицва Стефании

Самая шустрая девочка из всей моей истории фотосессий :)
Stories. Family and children’s photographer in Israel and Moscow Doroshok Nadya

Семейная фотосессия Джоанны

Фотосессия этой семьи была легкой и интересной! Малышке исполнился год и мы ее с этим поздравили :)
Stories. Family and children’s photographer in Israel and Moscow Doroshok Nadya

Бат Мицва Карины

Веселая и запоминающая девочка Карина, желаю ей в день рождения исполнения самых заветных желаний :)
Stories. Family and children’s photographer in Israel and Moscow Doroshok Nadya

Фотосессия Надежды и ее семьи

Спустя 20 лет совместной жизни, счастья и любви стало в 3 раза больше :)
Stories. Family and children’s photographer in Israel and Moscow Doroshok Nadya

Фотосессия Розы и Артема

Фотосессия Розы и Артема — это безусловная любовь мамы и сына. С ними было очень легко и приятно, желаю им всего...
Stories. Family and children’s photographer in Israel and Moscow Doroshok Nadya

Бат Мицва Даши

Фотосессия прошла интересно и незабываемою Желаю Даше в ее день рождения всего самого прекрасного :)
Stories. Family and children’s photographer in Israel and Moscow Doroshok Nadya

Фотосессия Марии

Уникальная фотосессия для художницы и раскрытие магии этой профессии! Желаю Марии огромной удачи :)
Stories. Family and children’s photographer in Israel and Moscow Doroshok Nadya

Фотосессия на Бат-Мицву

Бат-мицва — один из важных дней в жизни девочки…и эти воспоминанию на кадрах останутся на долгую жизнь
Stories. Family and children’s photographer in Israel and Moscow Doroshok Nadya

Фотосессия Екатерины и ее семьи

Как приятно проводить съемку в кругу большой и дружной семьи, видеть абсолютную любовь родителей, бабушек дедушек :)
Stories. Family and children’s photographer in Israel and Moscow Doroshok Nadya

Фотосессия Оксаны

Фотосессия с Оксаной прошла весело и легко. У этой девушки много энергии, непредсказуемости и легкости! Желаю...
Stories. Family and children’s photographer in Israel and Moscow Doroshok Nadya

Фотосессия Таи

Фотосессия с учителем йоги — это искусство объединения души и тела, которое остается навсегда с этими незабываемыми...
Stories. Family and children’s photographer in Israel and Moscow Doroshok Nadya

Content shooting for Miriam

This photo shooting reveals the beauty, aesthetics and harmony when visiting a beautician. You want to go to Miriam...
Stories. Family and children’s photographer in Israel and Moscow Doroshok Nadya

Photo session of Julia and Alice

Mom and daughter always understand each other perfectly! It’s just about them :) I’m sure that we will meet them more...
Stories. Family and children’s photographer in Israel and Moscow Doroshok Nadya

Photo session of Victoria, Ilya, Alice and Sergey

This shooting was very fun and unusual. In parallel, the parents played with the children, drank tea with dessert and...
Stories. Family and children’s photographer in Israel and Moscow Doroshok Nadya

Maria’s photo session

Warm and pleasant sensations from shooting at Masha’s house in the process of making Bento cake. Good luck to her...
Stories. Family and children’s photographer in Israel and Moscow Doroshok Nadya

Platon, Myron, Aurora

Photographing children is fun! What beautiful twins and their younger sister :)
Stories. Family and children’s photographer in Israel and Moscow Doroshok Nadya

Family photo session of Tatiana and Vitaly

Stories. Family and children’s photographer in Israel and Moscow Doroshok Nadya

Content photo shooting of Rimma

A photo shoot for a business is very important, especially at the very beginning of the journey :) Shooting with...
Stories. Family and children’s photographer in Israel and Moscow Doroshok Nadya

Anna’s photo session while expecting a baby

Home photo shooting of a beautiful family in anticipation of a baby :) You can’t tell from some photos that the photo...
Stories. Family and children’s photographer in Israel and Moscow Doroshok Nadya

Anna, Kirill and Nika

I remember the photo shooting of this beautiful family with tenderness and love for each other :)
Stories. Family and children’s photographer in Israel and Moscow Doroshok Nadya

Ulyana’s birthday

What could be more beautiful on the first anniversary of a child than best friends and a photo shoot :)
Stories. Family and children’s photographer in Israel and Moscow Doroshok Nadya

Photo session of Victoria

With Victoria, we return to photo shooting again and again, which takes place in the same breath with many ideas!...
Stories. Family and children’s photographer in Israel and Moscow Doroshok Nadya

Dmitry, Anna, Alexander and Julia

15 years of a wonderful family life together! During this time, it has multiplied by 2 :) I wish them happiness and...
Stories. Family and children’s photographer in Israel and Moscow Doroshok Nadya

Arina and Platon

Young mother and little son! There is so much tenderness and mutual love in them… Looking at these photos, we see how...
Stories. Family and children’s photographer in Israel and Moscow Doroshok Nadya

Julia and Sergey

A pleasant homely atmosphere and the most touching period of a newborn after leaving the maternity hospital :)
Stories. Family and children’s photographer in Israel and Moscow Doroshok Nadya

Photo session of Victoria

Several moments in one photo :)

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